Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Blog 13: Lesson 2 reflection

1. What I'm most proud of my hook activity because I think the sign language gave the opportunity to be interactive with my audience.

2. AE/P+
b. I thought I did a really good job explaining and focusing on my topic in depth. I also had good eye contact and felt comfortable speaking to my audience. I sited several sources and gave several real life scenarios.

3. I think the sign language worked extremely well and everyone participated.

4. What didn't work was that I didn't really reference my PowerPoint a lot while speaking.

5. My answer number two would be "To help the students learn at their own pace to excell socially and academically as individuals."

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Blog 12: Mentorship 10 hours check

1. I'm doing my mentorship at San Jose Elementary School with a class of 6th graders, as well as a class of 3rd graders.

2. My contact is Mr. William Harper

3. I've done 49 and a half hours.

4. At my new mentorship, I've been volunteering at an elementary school. On thursdays from 12:55-2:30, i volunteer with Mrs. Anderson's 3rd grade class. I help organize things, grade papers, and decorate the classroom. On fridays from 12:50-3:00, I volunteer with Mr. Harper's 6th grade class. I mostly grade papers, and observe classroom activities and different teaching methods he uses.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Blog 11: Holiday Project Update

1. Over winter break, I read articles on child development, different teaching methods in a classroom, and autistic students who excel in art.

2.  The most important thing from what I've learned has to be the fact that teaching is more complex than us students see it to be. A classroom setting, along with teaching methods differs throughout every grade level, as well as subjects. For my topic specifically, pre-school special ed and traditional pre-school courses require different teaching methods as well as different curriculum.  I went to the Laverne Public Library and found several magazines that had articles that gave me a good insight on teaching as a whole.

3.  I would talk to my new mentor, William Harper, because he has several years of experience within a classroom and he has several years of experience in training new teachers as well. I know he could give me a new perspective on my senior topic and in education as a whole.